Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

System Diagram


Module Power, Ground, Serial Data, and MIL

Engine Data Sensors - 5-Volt and Low Reference

Engine Data Sensors - Pressure and Temperature

Engine Data Sensors - Oxygen Sensors

Engine Data Sensors - Throttle Controls

Ignition Controls - Ignition System Coils 1, 3, 5, and 7

Ignition Controls - Ignition System Coils 2, 4, 6, and 8

Ignition Controls - Sensors and Active Fuel Management Controls

Fuel Controls - Fuel Pump Controls (RPO L96)

Fuel Controls - Fuel Pump Controls (except RPO L96)

Fuel Controls - Fuel Injectors

Fuel Controls - EVAP Controls

Controlled/Monitored Subsystem References

RPO Codes
RPO LZ1 - VIN J, Engine Gas, 8 Cylinder, 6.0L, SFI LIVC, DOD, Aluminum, GM
RPO L96 - VIN G, Engine Flexible Fuel, Gas/Ethanol, 8 Cylinder, 6.0L, SFI Iron, GM